These are the five updated cards in the 2nd Edition of Race for the Galaxy retrofitted to match first edition style (no moons). Replace your first edition cards with them.
Previous versions of the Retrofit cards exhibited issues with the print quality being different the the originals. Per the game's designer Tom Lehman:
"I think they are as good as we're going to get. I have a range of 1st Edition RFTG cards. These promos are slightly lighter than the very first RFTG printing (which was too dark) and slightly darker than some later 1st Edition printings (which got successively lighter over time), but they are noticeably "bluer" than the 2nd edition RFTG cards and, overall, a pretty good match. I would say these fall within the range of "normal printing variation. Approved."
2nd Edition owners do NOT need them.
For more information, visit the BGG listing.