The Dice Tower Collection

200 products

200 products

The Dice Tower assembles a wide collection of promos and Dice Tower merchandise for their annual Kickstarter fundraiser, with many of those promos and goodies exclusive and unique to that campaign. Aside from in-person conventions, there is not an easy way for customers to obtain those promos....until now!

BGG is proud to announce that we are working as a fulfillment partner with The Dice Tower to sell their exclusive promos and merchandise to the public outside of conventions. The vast majority of the proceeds from this collection go back directly to The Dice Tower!

Side by side image of the front and back of the promo card Chaos Cannon for the board game Adrenaline, depicting a futuristic weapon on the top half of the card and the symbols that describe the card's effect in the game on the bottom half.
Adrenaline: Chaos Cannon
The Dice Tower
Into the Slimer-verse promo pack for the board game Adventure Tactics, depicting the imagery on the front of the packaging, the front of the rules sheet, and the four included loot cards.
Adventure Tactics: Into the Slimer-verse
The Dice Tower
A promo card for use with the board game The Adventures of Robin Hood. The card has the game's title in the top left corner, an illustration of three people in medieval clothes in front of a stone tower in the top right, and text describing the card's ability in the game on the card's bottom half.
Adventures of Robin Hood, The: Variant for Experienced Players
The Dice Tower
The front and back of two of the cards from the Thieving Spirit promo for the board game Aeon's End, featuring a purple goblin holding a glowing orb on the front, and the game's title on the back.
Aeon's End: Thieving Spirit promo
The Dice Tower
A promo card for use with the board game After the Empire, displaying an illustration of a skull in a cage, the card's title at the top, and symbols that describe the card's ability in the game at the bottom.
After the Empire: Tower Dungeon Promo Card
The Dice Tower
Two cards for use with the board game After the Empire. One card has text the describes the promo card's use in the game. The second card has the card's title at the top, an illustration of a castle tower and wall in the middle, and text describing the card's ability in the game at the bottom.
After the Empire: Tower Walls
The Dice Tower
The Ambabari Elephant promo card for use with the board game Agra, featuring a elephant wearing bejeweled and tassled decorations on the top half of the card, and the symbols that depict the card's effect in the game on the bottom half.
Agra: Ambabari Elephant Promo Card
The Dice Tower
A compilation image of the three foil cards in this promo for the board game Air, Land, & Sea, depicting an airplane on the "Air" card, a tank on the "Land" card, and a battleship on the "Sea" card, next to the image of the three card backs with descriptions of the cards' effects in the game.
Air, Land & Sea: Foil Theater Cards
The Dice Tower
Ancient World, The: Forest Waterfall for use with the board game A, Ancient World, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Ancient World, The: Forest Waterfall
The Dice Tower
A set of three cards for use with the board game Architects of the West Kingdom. Each card depicts a single figure, a unique name on the left side, and the symbols that describe the card's effect in the game at the bottom.
Architects of the West Kingdom - Dice Tower Pack
The Dice Tower
Argent: The Consortium – Silver Shield HQ
The Dice Tower
The front and back of the Chill Communication Promo card for use with the board game The Artemis Project. The front shows a person and a satellite dish in heavy snow, a text description of the card's effects, and symbols relavant to the card's effect at the bottom. The back of the card shows a snowy scene with a boat and supplies at the top, an underwater scene with a structure and a small submersible at the bottom, and a stylized global logo in the middle that is labelled "Europa Expeditionary Corps".
Artemis Project, The: Chill Communication Promo Card
The Dice Tower
The front of the Seize D'Ice Tower Promo card for use with the board game The Artemis Project, which pictures a tall spike of ice within a snowy landscape on the top, the card's title and text description in the middle, and symbols that describe the card's effect in the game at the bottom.
The back of the Deize D'Ice Tower Promo card, for use with the board game The Artemis Project, which shows a snowy scene with a boat and supplies at the top, an underwater scene with a structure and a small submersible at the bottom, and a stylized global logo in the middle that is labelled "Europa Expeditionary Corps".
Artemis Project: Seize D'Ice Tower Promo Card
The Dice Tower
A single card for use in the board game Ascension Tactics. The card has its title printed at the top, an illustration a dragon-like monster in the center, and text describing the card's ability in the game at the bottom.
Ascension Tactics: Voidkin T'valemos Promo Card
The Dice Tower
Astro Knights: Tactical Visor Promo Card
The Dice Tower
A composite image showing one side of the card and player board for the Orator promo for use with the board game Atlantis Rising. One side of the board shows a woman in blue and white robes on the left, text with the board's name, explanation, and symbols relavant to the game on the right side. The card shows an intentionally blurry image of a bearded man in blue and white robes, is labelled Orator on the left side, and has descriptive text about the card at the bottom.
A composite image showing one side of the card and player board for the Orator promo for use with the board game Atlantis Rising. One side of the board shows a bearded man in blue and white robes on the left, text with the board's name, explanation, and symbols relavant to the game on the right side. The card shows an intentionally blurry image of people along the top and below, and is labelled "Hologram" in the middle.
Atlantis Rising: Orator
The Dice Tower
A set of four card for use with the board game Bad Company, featuring illustrations of four cartoon men in the center of each card with symbols and text around the edges.
Bad Company: Dice Tower 2022 Promo Cards
The Dice Tower
Barrage: Executive Officers Pack B
The Dice Tower
The nine bonus cards for use with the board game Beez. Four card display a jar with a text and symbols in the middle, four cards display a drop of honey with a number in the middle on a purple background, and the final card has the promo's name and description of its contents.
Beez: Bonus Cards
The Dice Tower
A set of three cards and a cardboard punchboard for use with the board game Bites. Each card has an illustration of an ant on a gingham background, the card's title in the center, and text describing the card's ability in the game at the bottom. The punchboard features six identical heart-shaped perfume containers. Three are pink with a plus sign in the middle, and three are light blue with a negative sign in the middle.
A set of the three cards for use with the board game Bites. Each card has an illustration of an ant on a gingham background, the card's title in the center, and text describing the card's ability in the game at the bottom.
Bites: Dice Tower 2023 Promo
The Dice Tower
Bitoku: Promo 3 – Dice Tower 2022 Building Promo Tile
The Dice Tower
A photo of the Decryption promo for use with the board game Blitzkrieg!, which is a single cardboard punchboard showing an Enigma machine on a yellow background.
Blitzkrieg!: Decryption Promo Tile
The Dice Tower
A set of eight cards for use with the board game Boss Monster. Each card has an 8-bit video game illustration in the center, the card's title at the top, and text that describes the cards' abilities in the game at the bottom.
Boss Monster: Dragon Prince Hero Pack
The Dice Tower
Bunny Kingdom: Collector Promo for use with the board game B, Bunny Kingdom, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Bunny Kingdom: Collector Promo
The Dice Tower
Bunny Kingdom: Rolling Tower Promo Card for use with the board game B, Bunny Kingdom, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Bunny Kingdom: Rolling Tower Promo Card
The Dice Tower
Café: Leão de Ouro Promo Card for use with the board game C, Cafe, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Café: Leão de Ouro Promo Card
The Dice Tower
Campaign Trail: The Endorser
The Dice Tower
A set of four cards for use with the board game Caper: Europe, on a white background. The top three cards have symbols at the top, and a large illustration of people on the people. Two of the card have people in heavy fire suits with mirrored helmets, and one card has a white man with a goatee and beret using an manual adding machine. The fourth card contains the instruction text on how to use the other three cards in the game.
Caper: Europe – Dice Tower 2023 Promo Cards
The Dice Tower
Catacombs (Third Edition): Goblin Mage Expansion for use with the board game C, Catacombs, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Catacombs (Third Edition): Goblin Mage Expansion for use with the board game C, Catacombs, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Catacombs (Third Edition): Goblin Mage Expansion
The Dice Tower
Catacombs (Third Edition): Hero Upgrade Expansion
The Dice Tower
Catacombs (Third Edition): Wand of Chaos Expansion for use with the board game C, Catacombs, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Catacombs (Third Edition): Wand of Chaos Expansion
The Dice Tower
Catacombs (Third Edition): Weapon Cache Expansion for use with the board game C, Catacombs, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Catacombs (Third Edition): Weapon Cache Expansion
The Dice Tower
Catacombs: Dice Tower 2018 Kickstarter Promo Pack for use with the board game C, Catacombs, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Catacombs: Dice Tower 2018 Kickstarter Promo Pack
The Dice Tower
Cellulose: A Plant Cell Biology Game – Coconut Scenario
The Dice Tower
Century: A New World- G1/H1 Location Board for use with the board game C, Century: New World, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Century: A New World- G1/H1 Location Board for use with the board game C, Century: New World, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Century: A New World- G1/H1 Location Board
The Dice Tower
Champions of Midgard: Kes Bakyr Card for use with the board game C, Champions of Midgard, sold at the BoardGameGeek Store
Champions of Midgard: Kes Bakyr Card
The Dice Tower
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