A set of two promo locations, the Kebab Shop and the Pegasus Shop, used to replace the fountain and post office respectively, and give some added variety to the bazaar setup in the board game Istanbul. Each location features the title in English on one side and German on the other.
Kebab Shop - Originally published in the games magazine Spielbox, issue 3/14, and replaces the Fountain from the original game. For placing the Kebab Shop, the same rules as for the Fountain apply and must be placed as one of the inner spaces of the bazaar. When you visit the Kebab Shop, you may either gather your Assistants just like the original Fountain, or you may pay 2 lira to move your family member from any space (except the police station) to perform an action at another space of your choice.
Pegasus Shop - Originally published as Day 18 of the Brettspiel Adventskalender 2016 and replaces the Post Office. Place one mail indicator each on the dice symbols 4, 5, and 6. The fourth mail indicator will not be used
Roll 2 dice and check how many numbers you rolled of those covered by a mail indicator:
- Both numbers are covered: Do not move any mail indicators.
- Only one number is covered: Move a mail indicator such that both rolled numbers are covered.
- Neither of the numbers are covered: Move two mail indicators such that both rolled numbers are covered. If you rolled doubles (and that number is not covered) only move one mail indicator on that number.
Afterwards, take the resources printed next to the three uncovered numbers. If 6 is uncovered, you may choose one of the three depicted resources (coffee and letters are only available with their respective expansions).
For more information, please refer to the BGG listing for the Kebab Shop and the Pegasus Shop.