Originally available in Pack Archer from Dice Tower 2023 Kickstarter campaign.
Variant for experienced players (Use these rules from Chapter 2 on)
1. Brave Enemies: If a player is prompted to place 6 purple cubes and 1 white cube into the bag when preparing a chapter, add 6 additional purple cubes to the bag. You will do this once for the whole group, regardless of the number of players
2. Wild Guards: Place a red cube on seal 4. If a seal is placed here, it will be activated and then placed back into the bag with all the previously drawn seals. Exception: The seals that show the octagonal symbol of the carriages will not be returned to the bag and will stay in the board.
3. Short On Time: When preparing a chapter, always put one less hourglass than is indicated in the book on the Bad End. Exception: Do not use this rule for the adventures "A Touch Decision" and "The Oath of the 13".
For more information, please refer to the BGG listing.
Part of The Dice Tower collection. The majority of the proceeds of this item return directly to The Dice Tower.