March 2023 News Bites

Mar 28, 2023

GeekUp Timetable

The next batch of GeekUp bits is on the move, and scheduled to arrive for the May store update. I originally hoped these would go live with April update, but if we get any slight delay at all, I’ll miss my window in April, so safer to plan on May. This shipment contains:

  • Karuba - player tile boards
  • Factory Funner
  • Hansa Teutonica
  • Glass Road
  • Holmes: Sherlock & Mycroft
  • Cubitos - Storage Box Set
  • Cubitos - Metal Credit Tokens
  • Quacks - white chip booster pack (REPRINT)
  • Underwater Cities - Metal Credits (REPRINT)
  • Teotihuacan - Cacao Bits (REPRINT)
  • La Havre (REPRINT)

The BGG Store Now Carries Gamegenic

The BGG Store is proud to announce that we are carrying Gamegenic, the ultimate storage solutions for cards, dice, and other gaming components. You can view the entire collection by choosing “Gamegenic” from the Accessories category on the front page of the store, by clicking THIS link, or by looking below in the latest additions in the Accessories section. We are already planning a restock so don’t worry if your favorite items are low or out of stock - more are on the way! 

We will also be expanding and carrying the gamegenic card sleeves, but that will probably arrive for the April or May store update.

Clearance Sale Later This Month

Our annual Spring Cleaning Sale will start later this month, which is your chance to grab some great deals! Once a year we slash prices to clean out our warehouse, and this year the sale will start in late March and last for a week.