June 2023 News Bites

by Beth Heile

Welcome Meeple Source!

We are delighted to now be a wholesale partner for Meeple Source, another amazing board game accessory maker. We are releasing a ton of their products today and with more to come in the future. Meeple Source will also be our sales partner for Gen Con, and you can find your favorite GeekUp sets for sale at their booth 2909. 

BGG Running the Hot Games Room at Gen Con

While this isn’t exactly BGG Store news, we are also happy to announce that BGG will once again be running the Hot Games Room at the Hyatt Regency during all of Gen Con! Many BGG staff members will be in and out of this event for the entire show if you want to buy a ticket, stop by to say hi, and stay to play some of the hottest releases for this summer. You can purchase tickets for this event at Gen Con HERE.